Digital responsibility at Xempus
With our products, we make financial and occupational pension provision digital and simple for everyone. We enable people to build a better future through our platform.
As a technology provider, we understand digital responsibility to mean the particularly careful, transparent and secure handling of algorithms and technologies, as well as the storage and processing of data.

Our aim is to provide the best possible care for each individual
In addition to climate and environmental protection, our understanding of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) includes our products, employees and society as a whole. We want to make our contribution to achieving climate targets, enabling social participation and increasing financial provision and socially relevant security in old age.
We are guided by the four fields of action of the CDR Compass:

For the good of all
We are implementing our digital platform services to minimise poverty in old age.

We shape our working environment in terms of technology, organisation and corporate culture according to our needs (mobile work).

Environment and climate
We minimise our emissions and plan verifiable offsetting.

Market and customers
We provide transparent and comprehensible information about us and our digital platform for pension provision.
How we shape digitalisation responsibly
Our compliance measures go beyond the legal requirements and include ethical principles. Our IT and data protection are state-of-the-art at all times. Our Software-as-a-Service platform is hosted in a German data centre. We rely on recognised norms and standards (BiPRO). We use technology and anonymised data to understand people’s needs and interests in their individual life situations and provide them with the best recommendations to make provisions easily.
Our principles help us to do this

People decide for themselves at all times how to use our digital services.

We use reliable algorithms, control mechanisms and certifications.
Data protection and security have the highest priority.

Our digital products significantly simplify the processes of everyone involved.

We provide clarity and context in the complex environment of financial and occupational pensions.
We continue to develop our measures in close dialogue with our partner companies.