Occupational pension provision: now doubly well advised | Guest article

Company benefits such as company pension schemes or company health insurance help employees to make sustainable provisions for their health and later for their old age. Not only for employers an exciting component to attract and retain workers. But also for insurers and sales, the growing market offers many opportunities.  In this guest article, Ralf Marschke, Senior […]

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Double provision from fall onwards | Interview

Just in time for the DKM, intermediaries can give good advice twice over via the Xempus platform – fully digital, simple and transparent, of course. An interview with our colleague Monika Ritzer. To   Interview  (published in expertenReport 10/2022 on 17.10.2022) ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 17 59

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How technology supports bV consulting | Monika Ritzer in conversation

Personal consultations by intermediaries are in demand. Visualization and smart features for salary simulation and after-tax considerations help enormously in consulting meetings.  Monika Ritzer talks to AssCompact about this and how simple digital consulting, conclusion and administration will advance occupational pension provision.   To   Interview (published on asscompact.de on 2.10.2022) ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 17 59

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Digitization of the occupational pension system | Technical Paper

A digital occupational pension scheme creates an overview and transparency for all parties involved – for companies and employees, but also for insurers and independent intermediaries. Monika Ritzer explains the advantages of this and exactly what it means in the latest online article at AssCompact . To the entire contribution   (published on asscompact.de on 21.9.2022) ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 […]

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Cover story in the HR Performance Special Compensation & Benefits

Digital bAV offers companies and their employees numerous advantages. Particularly in the case of complex topics – such as occupational pensions – transparency inspires users. In the development of our platform, we therefore focus particularly on numbers and platform data. Only a deep understanding of the customer journey of our users allows us to recognize precisely […]

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InsurTech startups don’t need to reinvent insurance

Progress does not automatically mean disruption. Instead, it is important to digitize in a meaningful way so that all participants gain tangible added value for themselves. The platform economy in particular offers opportunities here, as its basic principle is to connect all relevant players in a market extremely deeply technologically and thus create room for […]

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How brokers help employers with employee benefits policies

In addition to individual benefits such as a job bike or gym, employers are increasingly offering new additional services to attract skilled workers. The company pension plan, which provides employees with security during and after their working lives, is increasingly coming into focus at . How digital solutions can help is explained by our colleague Monika Ritzer in […]

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Update DetectionG

The current amendment to the NachweisG has led to a number of inquiries and irritations. We would like to take this as an opportunity to provide clarity and inform you about a recent statement by the BMAS. What will change as a result of the amendment to the NachweisG? § Section 2 of the NachweisG […]

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bAV-Roundtable: Company pension plan

The participants in this year’s Versicherungsmagazin roundtable agreed that customer wishes and individual advice are becoming increasingly important, alongside simple, digital processes.  Our colleague Monika Ritzer discussed these and other topics with representatives of Continentale Krankenversicherung, Die Bayerische, Hallesche Krankenversicherung, Swiss Life and Württembergische. We would like to thank Stefanie Hüthig from Versicherungsmagazin and all participants for […]

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Gender Pension Gap: How Digital Transparency Can Help.

Please mind the gap – between a man’s and a woman’s pension. Between the sexes, the financial gap that arises in old age is still enormous. How digital solutions can help to create transparency and thus contribute to enlightenment, our colleague Monika Ritzer writes about this in the HandelsblattJournal. To the entire article (published in HandelsblattJournal 05/2022) ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 […]

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Interview about New Work: How do we want to work?

In the interview, our VP People & Organization Dominique tells us how we developed our new working model together and what was particularly important to us in the process – to enter into open dialog and to include all considerations, suggestions and trade-offs. This creates trust and a basis on which to move forward.  To the complete […]

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Hybrid will be the new normal | AssCompact 04/22

Personal advice is particularly important for complex products. Monika Ritzer writes how digital tools take the pressure off brokerage offices. Customers can understand occupational pension schemes so much more easily if brokers use comprehensible tools in their advice. In the April issue of AssCompact, our colleague Monika Ritzer describes how hybrid advice – personal and digitally-supported – helps […]

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Digital & Personal | Expert Report 03/22

In her article, our colleague Monika Ritzer describes how to combine the best of both worlds in a company pension plan. Insurance distributors use digital tools in ways that make sense for them and their focus. Many things can be communicated better and more sustainably to customers in a personal discussion. At the same time, automated processes […]

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Of dog food and digitization | Personalmagazin 4/22

At the end of 2021, we had the best bAV in Germany. Digital and self-closing. Dominique, our Director People & Organization, tells us about the questions that came up and how it was received. “Eat your own dogfood” is the motto in software development when employees are provided with their own technology. That’s why, when we went […]

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A tool that makes occupational pension schemes even more attractive | Versicherungsmagazin 2|22

Independent pension platforms enable interaction, deliver cross-selling approaches and transparency. Our CTO Jochen Pielage describes how in his guest article. Digitization is the key to communicating products that require explanation in a simple and transparent way. Platform economy offers win-win-win – for all parties involved. 50 percent more occupational pension contracts with a simultaneous reduction […]

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Xempus wins the DIAmond Award

Category: Most Strategic Impact In this year’s ‘Insurtech in the Spotlight’ ranking by the DIA Community, we were able to position as one of the six insurtechs chosen by the DIA Community as innovative solution providers for the digital transformation of the insurance and pension industry. We are, of course, particularly proud of the DIA Award […]

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Voices of the industry 2021 | finanzwelt 6/21

What was special this year? And what are the most exciting topics in the new year? The “voices of the industry” from finanzwelt captures this. We are pleased to have our colleague Monika Ritzer with us. “Independent platforms are particularly valuable for distributors when it comes to advice-intensive products. When interfaces are user-friendly and processes […]

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Future of Insurance | DUP Digital Business Talk

What does the future of insurance look like? This was the question addressed by the DUP Digital Business Talk. With us is our CEO Tobias Wann. How will the business model change? Will provisioning instead of insurance become the focus? And what role do technologies play in this? Martin Gräfer, Member of the Board of […]

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The opportunity for intermediaries | experten-Report

Personal consultation is and remains important. How intermediaries can benefit from the platform economy, especially when it comes to advice-intensive products such as occupational pensions. A commentary by our founder Martin Bockelmann. Platform economy is the topic across industries right now. And even though the platform idea is gaining ground, the term is still used […]

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Platform economy in occupational pension schemes: intermediaries benefit | finanzwelt

Xempus founder Martin Bockelmann describes in finanzwelt how brokers can use the advantages of the platform economy to increase their occupational pension business. A strong platform not only engages all stakeholders, it networks and ensures interaction that benefits everyone. So unlike the broker model of many portals, the aim is not to eliminate intermediaries. On […]

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OKRs in HR | our experience in the HR magazine

Dominique Schaefer on OKRs in HR. Our Director People & Organization, Dominique Schaefer, shares his experiences from two years of OKR in HR in the HR Magazine. Top 3: Article published in Personalmagazin 07/2021. ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 17 59

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Pension strategies: Thinking more about tomorrow | Interview with DUP

In an interview with DUP-Unternehmer Magazin, Martin Bockelmann describes where digital pension provision comes in and why occupational pension provision can also be simple. We talk too little about retirement planning in Germany – at school, among friends, everywhere. Nevertheless, everyone in Germany agrees that something urgently needs to be done. Transparency and comprehensibility are […]

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xbAV becomes Xempus | Interview in DUB Entrepreneur Magazine

Our CEO Martin talks to DUB Entrepreneur Magazine about the name change and what else is behind it. “The X symbolizes our platform and Tempus stands for time. That became Xempus. With this brand, we want to make preventive care simple for everyone.” Martin Bockelmann Go to interview (published on  DUBEntrepreneur Magazine on 9.4.2021). ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: […]

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Commentary | finanzwelt 1/2021

Our CEO Martin in finanzwelt with a commentary on the reduction in the guaranteed interest rate. The industry is preparing for a reduction in the guaranteed interest rate. The trend from a 100 percent guarantee to various guarantee gradations is likely to increase. Is “New Classical Music” Becoming Standard? Commentary by Martin Bockelmann (published in […]

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Lowering of guaranteed interest rates: boost for occupational pension plans? | comment vb insurance operations 1/2021

In his commentary, Martin Bockelmann writes about the three levers that continue to make a bAV attractive. The industry is preparing for the reduction in the guaranteed interest rate. Insurance companies are positioning themselves in a modern, sensible and cost-saving way. Digital strategies are launched and implemented. How does the reduction in the guaranteed interest […]

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bAV retains its levers | experten report 3/2021

The reduction in the guaranteed interest rate is coming. What impact does this have on occupational pension schemes? The reduction in the guaranteed interest rate for private life insurance policies is leading to a drop in returns. The bAV retains its levers. These can improve personal returns. Irrespective of the reduction in the guaranteed interest […]

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“It’s all about simplicity” | DUB Entrepreneur Magazine

Martin Bockelmann talks to DUB Unternehmer magazine about the advantages of a digital bAV and the role of user experience. “We are used to speed on the web. We expect simplicity even with complex things.” Martin Bockelmann To the article (published on DUB Unternehmer-Magazin on 26.2.2021). ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 17 59

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bAV discussion | Personalwirtschaft 1/21

What’s new in the occupational pension system? Are supply systems positioned to withstand crises? Christiane Siemann and Erwin Stickling from Personalwirtschaft spoke with eight bAV experts. bAV discussion “Digitization will help to increase the number of people covered and, in a second step, their level of coverage. The easier it becomes for employees to take […]

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“Digital will make the occupational pension business more secure” | Pfefferminzia

Our CEO Martin in an interview with Lorenz Klein from Pfefferminzia. Insurance and digital transformation go together – in an interview with Pfefferminzia, our CEO Martin Bockelmann talks about how the lockdown has affected our platform and the bAV business. To the complete interview (published on Pfefferminzia.de on 22.1.2021) ContactStefanie Dadson | stefanie.dadson@xempus.com | Tel: 089 2000 17 59

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